All presenters for the 52nd Algonquian Conference have the option to pre-record their presentations. This is not required, but it should help with minimizing technical difficulties during the conference.
1) Overview
Presenter(s) can record their presentation using PowerPoint with a voice-over, convert it to a movie file, and then upload that movie file to our folder on Google Drive. During the conference, the host of the Zoom session will play the pre-recorded presentation. After the video concludes, the presenter(s) will have the opportunity to field questions from the audience. All pre-recorded presentations will be deleted after the conference ends.
Please note: We have very minimal tech support available for pre-recording and uploading presentations. If you encounter significant issues with creating and uploading a movie file to Google Drive, we recommend you do your presentation live during the conference.
2) How to pre-record a presentation from Microsoft Powerpoint
We have created short videos showing how to create videos from PowerPoint using PC or Mac.
More detailed instructions are available for Windows here and for Mac here. For either set of those instructions, follow the directions up to the Exporting & Publishing subsection. Once you reach that point, follow these steps for exporting the movie file:
Select File > Export
For PC choose Create a Video.
For Mac you just create a video by choosing the file format (next step)
File format:
For PC select HD (720p). If there is an option to choose a file format, choose MP4.
For Mac, choose MP4, and under “Quality” choose “Internet quality”.
Make sure “Use Recorded Timings and Narrations” is selected.
Specify your desired location for the saved file and click Export.
After export is complete (it will likely take a few minutes), you should have a video file ready for uploading.
Presenters without access to PowerPoint may follow Instructions for recording a presentation via Zoom here.
3) File requirements:
Your pre-recorded presentation must meet the following requirements. Any pre-recorded presentations that do not meet these requirements will not be used.
Format: mp4 (Do not upload PPT or PDF files)
Maximum length: 20 minutes
Deadline for upload: 6PM (Central Time) on Thursday, October 22
4) How to upload your presentation:
Open our Google Drive folder.
Drag your mp4 file into the folder.
Once the upload is complete, notify the conference co-hosts at